Chapter 1: Introduction to Music Theory
- Why Study Music Theory?
- The World of New Standard Music Theory
- Measurements in Music Theory
Chapter 2: Components & Composition
- Components of Music
- Songwriting, Songs & Music Theory
- Noises and “Sounds”
- “Pitch”, “Note Names” and Reference Tone
- Note Names and Degrees: Basic Rule for Chords
Chapter 3: The Staff and How It Works
- The Staff and Its Structure
- Leger Lines
- Keyboard Structure
- Clefs : G-clef (treble) and F-clef (bass)
- The Staff and Keyboard Relationship
- Number of Semitones
Chapter 4: The World of Scales
- Chromatic Scale
- Diatonic Scale
- Primary Scale : The Major Scale
- Definition of the Major Scale
- Popular Music and Its Boundary
- Overview of Chords and Scales
Chapter 5: Intervals Part1 ( MOST IMPORTANT )
- Intervals
- How are Intervals expressed?
- Elements of an Interval
- Interval Quality Symbol
- Normal Circumstance – Fits in the Box
- Practical Keyboard Exercise 1
Chapter 6: D7C Intervals Part 2
- Diatonic 7th Chord (D7C)

Interval exercise books